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During their professional careers the members of our team have been the authors of an important number of publications of academic nature, which we have the pleasure to share in this section.

FINANCIER WORLDWIDE - Protection of investments in oil
& gas under the new USMCA
FINANCIER WORLDWIDE - The social Licence as Key Factor for the Peaceful Development of Infrastructure
The Arbitration Review of the Americas 2019 – Mexico


Global Arbitration Review – Commercial Arbitration Mexico

Corporate Disputes - Arbitration in the Americas

Oil&Gas Financial Journal – King’s X in Mexico’s Round One

Litigation & Alternative Dispute Resolution

Arbitration Brief - The Mexican Courts and Arbitration: A new Partnership

Litigation, Arbitration & Dispute Resolution - Increase in Disputes due to Economic conditions

ICC México –  Pauta 54 – Casos y Situaciones prácticas en arbitraje en materia de construcción (primera parte)

ICC México –  Pauta 58 – La acción de reconocimiento y ejecución de laudo arbitral (en vía de reconvención en un incidente judicial de nulidad de laudo)

ICC México –  Pauta 61 – Principales causas de disputas en materia de contratos de obras públicas en México

ICC México –  Pauta 61 – El Concepto de error manifiesto como supuesto de excepción a la obligatoriedad de los dictámenes de perito independiente en la contratación de obra pública

ICC México –  Pauta 61 – Disputas sobre ajuste de costos en contratos de obra

LexisNexis – The fourth annual complimentary guide to understanding DR practices around the world with an Asia-Pacific focus – Mexico

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